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Born in 1984,  Andrea  Cofrancesco is a conceptual and self-taught artist who works in the field of board games and strategy.

His style incorporates a mix of distinctive features from early 90s manga and video games such as Street Fighter, Ganbare Goemon, Dragon Ball, Breath Of Fire, etc. The typical style of Japanese art platforms such as Pixiv also inspires her passion for Harajuku fashion, Pop culture and Kawaii.

His main influences come from artists such as Akiman, George Kamitani, Kinu Nishimura, Shunya Yamashita, and Giorgio Cavazzano.

This square format book arises from your need to draw in a 1: 1 format in order to share your drawings in the best possible way on platforms. 
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  • Title: 1: 1 The art of  Andrea  Cofrancesco.
    Author:  Andrea  Cofrancesco.
    Language: various.
    Format: 25 X 25 cm /  136 pages, color.
    Binding: Hardcover .
    Price: € 30

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